SLAM Hive: A SLAM Evaluation Benchmark System

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Total mapping tasks number: 6
Contains (mapping task id, evaluation id): [ (1341, 985), (1342, 986), (1343, 987), (1345, 989), (1346, 994), (1347, 995) ]
Current mappingtask id: 1341

lio-sam with kitti_2011_09_30_drive_0028_synced_full

Algorithm parameters
Parameter name Parameter value
edgeThreshold 1.0
surfThreshold 0.1
edgeFeatureMinValidNum 10
surfFeatureMinValidNum 100
odometrySurfLeafSize 0.4
mappingCornerLeafSize 0.2
mappingSurfLeafSize 0.4
z_tollerance 1000
rotation_tollerance 1000
numberOfCores 4
mappingProcessInterval 0.15
surroundingkeyframeAddingDistThreshold 1.0
surroundingkeyframeAddingAngleThreshold 0.2
surroundingKeyframeDensity 2.0
surroundingKeyframeSearchRadius 50.0
loopClosureFrequency 1.0
surroundingKeyframeSize 50
historyKeyframeSearchRadius 15.0
historyKeyframeSearchTimeDiff 30.0
historyKeyframeSearchNum 25
historyKeyframeFitnessScore 0.3
gpsCovThreshold 2.0
poseCovThreshold 25.0
downsampleRate 2
pointCloudTopic points_raw
imuTopic imu_raw
savePCD False
savePCDDirectory /Downloads/LOAM/
loopClosureEnableFlag True
navsatfrequency 50
navsatwait_for_datum False
navsatdelay 0.0
navsatmagnetic_declination_radians 0
navsatyaw_offset 0
navsatzero_altitude True
navsatbroadcast_utm_transform False
navsatbroadcast_utm_transform_as_parent_frame False
navsatpublish_filtered_gps False
ekf_gpspublish_tf False
ekf_gpsfrequency 50
ekf_gpstwo_d_mode False
ekf_gpssensor_timeout 0.01
GpsElevation False
gpsTopic odometry/gpsz
Dataset parameters
Parameter name Parameter value
imuGyrNoise 0.0015636343949698187
imuAccNoise 0.003993957088823881
imuGyrBiasN 3.564031869636761e-05
imuAccBiasN 6.435665935353257e-05
imuGravity 9.80511
sensor velodyne
Horizon_SCAN 1800
lidarMinRange 1.0
lidarMaxRange 1000.0
imuRPYWeight 0.01
extrinsicTrans [-0.8086759, 0.3195559, -0.7997231]
extrinsicRPY [0.9999976, 0.0007553071, -0.002035826, -0.0007854027, 0.9998898, -0.01482298, 0.002024406, 0.01482454, 0.9998881]
extrinsicRot [0.9999976, 0.0007553071, -0.002035826, -0.0007854027, 0.9998898, -0.01482298, 0.002024406, 0.01482454, 0.9998881]
lidar_frequency 10
imu_frequency 100
Algorithm remaps
Parameter name Parameter value
None None
Dataset remaps
Parameter name Parameter value
None None
ATE and RPE Error Statistics
RMSE Mean Median Std Min Max SSE
ATE 6.24148 5.65454 5.38875 2.64238 0.799605 15.2009 76236.9
RPE 1.45236 1.43469 1.44984 0.225818 0.912529 2.41515 432.414
Computing resource usage
Max CPU (core) Mean CPU (core) Max Memory (MB)
4.50759 2.32295 1330.19