SLAM Hive: A SLAM Evaluation Benchmark System

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lego-loam-imu with kitti_2011_09_30_drive_0027_synced_full

Current mappingtask configuration id: 295
Current mappingtask id: 641

Algorithm parameters
Parameter type Parameter name Parameter value
algorithm-parameters pointcloud_topic /points_raw
algorithm-parameters imu_topic /imu_raw
ATE and RPE Error Statistics
RMSE Mean Median Std Min Max SSE
ATE 2.7355978814375135 2.581187072288976 2.530439725816051 0.9060734334333387 0.4553917091609992 4.726254117644139 8216.878354280103
RPE 0.2841284817452046 0.2128692863266073 0.16573803755232158 0.18819049146446257 0.027532162720592977 1.474281308766934 41.01032902252821
Computing resource usage
Max CPU (core) Mean CPU (core) Max Memory (MB)
1.655228767085251 1.0376390761487773 434.125