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mapping task ID: 665 |
Mapping Task Configuration 316 Details Information
mapping task ID: 665 |
Algorihtm & Dataset
Algorithm Selection
Algorithm ImageTag: orb-slam3-ros-stereo-inertial
Algorihtm name: orb-slam3
Dataset Selection:
Dataset Sequence Name: MH_01_easy
Dataset name: euroc
Configuration Information
Mapping Task Configuration Name: orb-slam3-ros-stereo-inertial+MH_01_easy+comb_test-13
Mapping Task Configuration Description:
Algorithm: orb-slam3-ros-stereo-inertial Dataset: MH_01_easy test comb_configurations. Environment: Desktop (Memory: 32GB; CPU: Intel® Core™ i7-7700 CPU @ 3.60GHz × 8; Disk: 1TB)
Corresponding Parameters Infomation
ID | Name | Description | parameter Type | Algo/Dataset Name | Key | Value Type | Value |
345 | ORB+nFeatures | Number of features per image |
Algorithm | orb-slam3 | nFeatures | int | 1500 |
346 | ORB+scaleFactor | Scale factor between levels in the scale pyramid |
Algorithm | orb-slam3 | scaleFactor | float | 1.2 |
347 | ORB+nLevels | Number of levels in the scale pyramid |
Algorithm | orb-slam3 | nLevels | int | 8 |
348 | ORB+iniThFAST | Firstly we impose iniThFAST. If no corners are detected we impose a lower value minThFAST |
Algorithm | orb-slam3 | iniThFAST | int | 20 |
349 | ORB+minThFAST | You can lower these values if your images have low contrast |
Algorithm | orb-slam3 | minThFAST | int | 7 |
350 | general+image_frequency | frequency of image data |
Dataset | euroc | fps | int | 10 |
351 | general+image_width | image data size. |
Dataset | euroc | width | int | 376 |
352 | general+image_height | image data size. |
Dataset | euroc | height | int | 240 |
436 | general+fx | intrinsic(pinhole) |
Dataset | euroc | fx | float | 217.602347986 |
437 | general+fy | intrinsic(pinhole) |
Dataset | euroc | fy | float | 217.602347986 |
438 | general+cx | intrinsic(pinhole) |
Dataset | euroc | cx | float | 183.725860596 |
439 | general+cy | intrinsic(pinhole) |
Dataset | euroc | cy | float | 126.10042572 |
440 | general+k1 | intrinsic(pinhole mei) |
Dataset | euroc | k1 | float | 0.0 |
441 | general+k2 | intrinsic(pinhole mei) |
Dataset | euroc | k2 | float | 0.0 |
442 | general+p1 | intrinsic(pinhole mei) |
Dataset | euroc | p1 | float | 0.0 |
443 | general+p2 | intrinsic(pinhole mei) |
Dataset | euroc | p2 | float | 0.0 |
445 | ORB+RGB | RGB or BGR |
Dataset | euroc | RGB | int | 1 |
448 | general+bf | extrinsic |
Dataset | euroc | bf | float | 47.90639384423901 |
449 | general+ThDepth | extrinsic |
Dataset | euroc | ThDepth | float | 35.0 |
450 | ORB+stereo_left | remap |
Algorithm remap | orb-slam3 | stereo_left | string | /camera/left/image_raw |
451 | ORB+stereo_right | remap |
Algorithm remap | orb-slam3 | stereo_right | string | /camera/right/image_raw |
452 | ORB+/camera/left/image_raw | remap |
Dataset remap | euroc | /camera/left/image_raw | string | /cam0/image_raw |
453 | ORB+/camera/right/image_raw | remap |
Dataset remap | euroc | /camera/right/image_raw | string | /cam1/image_raw |
454 | general+LEFT_D | intrinsic |
Dataset matrix | euroc | LEFT_D | matrix | [-0.28340811, 0.07395907, 0.00019359, 1.76187114e-05, 0.0] |
455 | general+LEFT_K | intrinsic |
Dataset matrix | euroc | LEFT_K | matrix | [229.327, 0.0, 183.6075, 0.0, 228.648, 124.1875, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0] |
456 | general+LEFT_R | intrinsic |
Dataset matrix | euroc | LEFT_R | matrix | [0.999966347530033, -0.001422739138722922, 0.008079580483432283, 0.001365741834644127, 0.9999741760894847, 0.007055629199258132, -0.008089410156878961, -0.007044357138835809, 0.9999424675829176] |
457 | general+LEFT_P | intrinsic |
Dataset matrix | euroc | LEFT_P | matrix | [217.602347986, 0, 183.725860596, 0, 0, 217.602347986, 126.10042572, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0] |
481 | ORB+bFishEye | bFishEye |
Dataset | euroc | bFishEye | int | 0 |
571 | general+RIGHT_D | intrinsic |
Dataset matrix | euroc | RIGHT_D | matrix | [-0.28368365, 0.07451284, -0.00010473, -3.555907e-05, 0.0] |
572 | general+RIGHT_K | intrinsic |
Dataset matrix | euroc | RIGHT_K | matrix | [228.7935, 0.0, 189.9995, 0.0, 228.067, 127.619, 0.0, 0.0, 1] |
573 | general+RIGHT_R | intrinsic |
Dataset matrix | euroc | RIGHT_R | matrix | [0.9999633526194376, -0.003625811871560086, 0.007755443660172947, 0.003680398547259526, 0.9999684752771629, -0.007035845251224894, -0.007729688520722713, 0.007064130529506649, 0.999945173484644] |
574 | general+RIGHT_P | intrinsic |
Dataset matrix | euroc | RIGHT_P | matrix | [217.602347986, 0, 183.725860596, -47.90639384423901, 0, 217.602347986, 126.10042572, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0] |
474 | ORB+imu_topic | imu_topic |
Algorithm remap | orb-slam2 | imu_topic | string | /imu |
475 | ORB+/imu | imu_topic |
Dataset remap | euroc | /imu | string | /imu0 |
476 | general+NoiseGyro | NoiseGyro |
Dataset | euroc | NoiseGyro | float | 0.00017 |
477 | general+NoiseAcc | NoiseAcc |
Dataset | euroc | NoiseAcc | float | 0.002 |
478 | general+GyroWalk | GyroWalk |
Dataset | euroc | GyroWalk | float | 1.9393e-05 |
479 | general+AccWalk | AccWalk |
Dataset | euroc | AccWalk | float | 0.003 |
480 | ORB+T_b_c1 | T_b_c1 |
Dataset matrix | euroc | T_b_c1 | matrix | [0.0148655429818, -0.999880929698, 0.00414029679422, -0.0216401454975, 0.999557249008, 0.0149672133247, 0.025715529948, -0.064676986768, -0.0257744366974, 0.00375618835797, 0.999660727178, 0.00981073058949, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0] |
575 | general+imu_frequency | frequency of imu data |
Dataset | euroc | Frequency | int | 200 |
588 | dataset_frequency+image0_frequency | using for dataset frequency reset. |
Dataset frequency | General | /cam0/image_raw | int | 2 |
589 | dataset_frequency+imu_frequency | using for dataset frequency reset. |
Dataset frequency | General | /imu0 | int | 1 |
591 | dataset_resolution+image0_resolution | using for dataset image resolution reset. |
Dataset resolution | General | /cam0/image_raw | float | 0.5 |
592 | dataset_resolution_size+image0_width | Using for image resolution; to show the relationship between key(parameter key that its value needs to be changed) and value(topic) |
Dataset resolution size | General | width | string | /cam0/image_raw |
593 | dataset_resolution_size+image0_height | Using for image resolution; to show the relationship between key(parameter key that its value needs to be changed) and value(topic) |
Dataset resolution size | General | height | string | /cam0/image_raw |
594 | dataset_resolution_intrinsic+cam0_fx | Using for image resolution; to show the relationship between key(parameter key that its value needs to be changed) and value(topic) |
Dataset resolution intrinsic | General | fx | string | /cam0/image_raw |
595 | dataset_resolution_intrinsic+cam0_fy | Using for image resolution; to show the relationship between key(parameter key that its value needs to be changed) and value(topic) |
Dataset resolution intrinsic | General | fy | string | /cam0/image_raw |
596 | dataset_resolution_intrinsic+cam0_cx | Using for image resolution; to show the relationship between key(parameter key that its value needs to be changed) and value(topic) |
Dataset resolution intrinsic | General | cx | string | /cam0/image_raw |
597 | dataset_resolution_intrinsic+cam0_cy | Using for image resolution; to show the relationship between key(parameter key that its value needs to be changed) and value(topic) |
Dataset resolution intrinsic | General | cy | string | /cam0/image_raw |
602 | dataset_frequency+image1_frequency | using for dataset frequency reset. |
Dataset frequency | General | /cam1/image_raw | int | 2 |
603 | dataset_resolution+image1_resolution | using for dataset image resolution reset. |
Dataset resolution | General | /cam1/image_raw | float | 0.5 |
604 | dataset_frequency_remap+image0_frequency | Using for frequency; to show the relationship between key(parameter key that its value needs to be changed) and value(topic) |
Dataset frequency remap | General | fps | string | /cam0/image_raw |
606 | dataset_frequency_remap+imu_frequency | Using for frequency; to show the relationship between key(parameter key that its value needs to be changed) and value(topic) |
Dataset frequency remap | General | Frequency | string | /imu0 |
610 | dataset_resolution_intrinsic+LEFT_D | Using for image resolution; to show the relationship between key(parameter key that its value needs to be changed) and value(topic) |
Dataset resolution intrinsic | General | LEFT_D | string | /cam0/image_raw |
611 | dataset_resolution_intrinsic+LEFT_K | Using for image resolution; to show the relationship between key(parameter key that its value needs to be changed) and value(topic) |
Dataset resolution intrinsic | General | LEFT_K | string | /cam0/image_raw |
612 | dataset_resolution_intrinsic+LEFT_R | Using for image resolution; to show the relationship between key(parameter key that its value needs to be changed) and value(topic) |
Dataset resolution intrinsic | General | LEFT_R | string | /cam0/image_raw |
613 | dataset_resolution_intrinsic+LEFT_P | Using for image resolution; to show the relationship between key(parameter key that its value needs to be changed) and value(topic) |
Dataset resolution intrinsic | General | LEFT_P | string | /cam0/image_raw |
614 | dataset_resolution_intrinsic+RIGHT_D | Using for image resolution; to show the relationship between key(parameter key that its value needs to be changed) and value(topic) |
Dataset resolution intrinsic | General | RIGHT_D | string | /cam1/image_raw |
615 | dataset_resolution_intrinsic+RIGHT_K | Using for image resolution; to show the relationship between key(parameter key that its value needs to be changed) and value(topic) |
Dataset resolution intrinsic | General | RIGHT_K | string | /cam1/image_raw |
616 | dataset_resolution_intrinsic+RIGHT_R | Using for image resolution; to show the relationship between key(parameter key that its value needs to be changed) and value(topic) |
Dataset resolution intrinsic | General | RIGHT_R | string | /cam1/image_raw |
617 | dataset_resolution_intrinsic+RIGHT_P | Using for image resolution; to show the relationship between key(parameter key that its value needs to be changed) and value(topic) |
Dataset resolution intrinsic | General | RIGHT_P | string | /cam1/image_raw |