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mapping task ID: 643 |
Mapping Task Configuration 297 Details Information
mapping task ID: 643 |
Algorihtm & Dataset
Algorithm Selection
Algorithm ImageTag: ndt-loam
Algorihtm name: ndt-loam
Dataset Selection:
Dataset Sequence Name: kitti_2011_09_30_drive_0027_synced_full
Dataset name: kitti
Configuration Information
Mapping Task Configuration Name: ndt-loam-imu+kitti_2011_09_30_drive_0027_synced_full
Mapping Task Configuration Description:
Algorithm: ndt-loam Dataset: kitti_2011_09_30_drive_0027_synced_full Use default parameter and using imu data Environment: Desktop (Memory: 32GB; CPU: Intel® Core™ i7-7700 CPU @ 3.60GHz × 8; Disk: 1TB)
Corresponding Parameters Infomation
ID | Name | Description | parameter Type | Algo/Dataset Name | Key | Value Type | Value |
394 | NDT-LOAM+distance_near_thresh | ndt-loam parameter |
Algorithm | ndt-loam | distance_near_thresh | float | 0.5 |
395 | NDT-LOAM+distance_far_thresh | ndt-loam parameter |
Algorithm | ndt-loam | distance_far_thresh | float | 100.0 |
396 | NDT-LOAM+downsample_resolution | ndt-loam parameter |
Algorithm | ndt-loam | downsample_resolution | float | 0.1 |
397 | NDT-LOAM+statistical_mean_k | ndt-loam parameter |
Algorithm | ndt-loam | statistical_mean_k | int | 30 |
398 | NDT-LOAM+statistical_stddev | ndt-loam parameter |
Algorithm | ndt-loam | statistical_stddev | float | 1.2 |
399 | NDT-LOAM+radius_radius | ndt-loam parameter |
Algorithm | ndt-loam | radius_radius | float | 0.5 |
400 | NDT-LOAM+radius_min_neighbors | ndt-loam parameter |
Algorithm | ndt-loam | radius_min_neighbors | int | 5 |
401 | NDT-LOAM+keyframe_delta_trans | ndt-loam parameter |
Algorithm | ndt-loam | keyframe_delta_trans | float | 10.0 |
402 | NDT-LOAM+keyframe_delta_angle | ndt-loam parameter |
Algorithm | ndt-loam | keyframe_delta_angle | float | 0.17 |
403 | NDT-LOAM+keyframe_delta_time | ndt-loam parameter |
Algorithm | ndt-loam | keyframe_delta_time | float | 1.0 |
404 | NDT-LOAM+scan_line | ndt-loam parameter |
Algorithm | ndt-loam | scan_line | int | 64 |
405 | NDT-LOAM+mapping_skip_frame | ndt-loam parameter |
Algorithm | ndt-loam | mapping_skip_frame | int | 1 |
406 | NDT-LOAM+minimum_range | ndt-loam parameter |
Algorithm | ndt-loam | minimum_range | int | 5 |
407 | NDT-LOAM+mapping_line_resolution | ndt-loam parameter |
Algorithm | ndt-loam | mapping_line_resolution | float | 0.4 |
408 | NDT-LOAM+mapping_plane_resolution | ndt-loam parameter |
Algorithm | ndt-loam | mapping_plane_resolution | float | 0.8 |
409 | NDT-LOAM+seq | ndt-loam parameter |
Algorithm | ndt-loam | seq | string | 04 |
410 | NDT-LOAM+g2o_solver_num_iterations | ndt-loam parameter |
Algorithm | ndt-loam | g2o_solver_num_iterations | int | 1024 |
411 | NDT-LOAM+distance_thresh | ndt-loam parameter |
Algorithm | ndt-loam | distance_thresh | float | 20.0 |
412 | NDT-LOAM+accum_distance_thresh | ndt-loam parameter |
Algorithm | ndt-loam | accum_distance_thresh | float | 100.0 |
413 | NDT-LOAM+min_edge_interval | ndt-loam parameter |
Algorithm | ndt-loam | min_edge_interval | float | 50.0 |
414 | NDT-LOAM+fitness_score_thresh | ndt-loam parameter |
Algorithm | ndt-loam | fitness_score_thresh | float | 2.0 |
415 | NDT-LOAM+ndt_resolution | ndt-loam parameter |
Algorithm | ndt-loam | ndt_resolution | float | 1.0 |
416 | NDT-LOAM+ndt_num_threads | ndt-loam parameter |
Algorithm | ndt-loam | ndt_num_threads | int | 8 |
417 | NDT-LOAM+gps_edge_robust_kernel_size | ndt-loam parameter |
Algorithm | ndt-loam | gps_edge_robust_kernel_size | float | 1.0 |
418 | NDT-LOAM+gps_edge_stddev_xy | ndt-loam parameter |
Algorithm | ndt-loam | gps_edge_stddev_xy | float | 20.0 |
419 | NDT-LOAM+gps_edge_stddev_z | ndt-loam parameter |
Algorithm | ndt-loam | gps_edge_stddev_z | float | 5.0 |
420 | NDT-LOAM+imu_orientation_edge_stddev | ndt-loam parameter |
Algorithm | ndt-loam | imu_orientation_edge_stddev | float | 1.0 |
421 | NDT-LOAM+imu_acceleration_edge_stddev | ndt-loam parameter |
Algorithm | ndt-loam | imu_acceleration_edge_stddev | float | 1.0 |
422 | NDT-LOAM+floor_edge_stddev | ndt-loam parameter |
Algorithm | ndt-loam | floor_edge_stddev | float | 100.0 |
423 | NDT-LOAM+odometry_edge_robust_kernel_size | ndt-loam parameter |
Algorithm | ndt-loam | odometry_edge_robust_kernel_size | float | 1.0 |
424 | NDT-LOAM+loop_closure_edge_robust_kernel_size | ndt-loam parameter |
Algorithm | ndt-loam | loop_closure_edge_robust_kernel_size | float | 1.0 |
425 | NDT-LOAM+const_stddev_x | ndt-loam parameter |
Algorithm | ndt-loam | const_stddev_x | float | 0.5 |
426 | NDT-LOAM+const_stddev_q | ndt-loam parameter |
Algorithm | ndt-loam | const_stddev_q | float | 0.1 |
427 | NDT-LOAM+var_gain_a | ndt-loam parameter |
Algorithm | ndt-loam | var_gain_a | float | 20.0 |
428 | NDT-LOAM+min_stddev_x | ndt-loam parameter |
Algorithm | ndt-loam | min_stddev_x | float | 0.1 |
429 | NDT-LOAM+max_stddev_x | ndt-loam parameter |
Algorithm | ndt-loam | max_stddev_x | float | 5.0 |
430 | NDT-LOAM+min_stddev_q | ndt-loam parameter |
Algorithm | ndt-loam | min_stddev_q | float | 0.05 |
431 | NDT-LOAM+max_stddev_q | ndt-loam parameter |
Algorithm | ndt-loam | max_stddev_q | float | 0.2 |
432 | NDT-LOAM+graph_update_interval | ndt-loam parameter |
Algorithm | ndt-loam | graph_update_interval | float | 10.0 |
433 | NDT-LOAM+max_keyframes_per_update | ndt-loam parameter |
Algorithm | ndt-loam | max_keyframes_per_update | int | 20 |
434 | NDT-LOAM+map_cloud_update_interval | ndt-loam parameter |
Algorithm | ndt-loam | map_cloud_update_interval | float | 10.0 |
435 | NDT-LOAM+map_cloud_resolution | ndt-loam parameter |
Algorithm | ndt-loam | map_cloud_resolution | float | 0.5 |
545 | NDT-LOAM+pointcloud_topic | remap |
Algorithm | ndt-loam | pointcloud_topic | string | /points_raw |
546 | NDT-LOAM+enable_floor_detection | ndt-loam |
Algorithm | ndt-loam | enable_floor_detection | string | false |
547 | NDT-LOAM+enable_gps | ndt-loam |
Algorithm | ndt-loam | enable_gps | string | false |
548 | NDT-LOAM+enable_imu_acc | ndt-loam |
Algorithm | ndt-loam | enable_imu_acc | string | false |
549 | NDT-LOAM+enable_imu_ori | ndt-loam |
Algorithm | ndt-loam | enable_imu_ori | string | false |
550 | NDT-LOAM+base_link_frame | ndt-loam |
Algorithm | ndt-loam | base_link_frame | string | base_link |
551 | NDT-LOAM+use_distance_filter | ndt-loam |
Algorithm | ndt-loam | use_distance_filter | string | true |
552 | NDT-LOAM+downsample_method | ndt-loam |
Algorithm | ndt-loam | downsample_method | string | VOXELGRID |
553 | NDT-LOAM+outlier_removal_method | ndt-loam |
Algorithm | ndt-loam | outlier_removal_method | string | RADIUS |
554 | NDT-LOAM+use_angle_calibration | ndt-loam |
Algorithm | ndt-loam | use_angle_calibration | string | false |
555 | NDT-LOAM+odom_frame_id | ndt-loam |
Algorithm | ndt-loam | odom_frame_id | string | odom |
556 | NDT-LOAM+calib_file | ndt-loam |
Algorithm | ndt-loam | calib_file | string | home/chenshoubin/slam_ws/src/lv_slam/config/kitti_calib/calib04-12.txt |
557 | NDT-LOAM+lfa_output_path | ndt-loam |
Algorithm | ndt-loam | lfa_output_path | string | /home/chenshoubin/slam_ws/src/lv_slam/data/kitti_lv_dlo_lfa_ggo |
558 | NDT-LOAM+g2o_solver_type | ndt-loam |
Algorithm | ndt-loam | g2o_solver_type | string | lm_var_cholmod |
559 | NDT-LOAM+registration_method | ndt-loam |
Algorithm | ndt-loam | registration_method | string | NDT_OMP |
560 | NDT-LOAM+ndt_nn_search_method | ndt-loam |
Algorithm | ndt-loam | ndt_nn_search_method | string | DIRECT7 |
561 | NDT-LOAM+gps_edge_robust_kernel | ndt-loam |
Algorithm | ndt-loam | gps_edge_robust_kernel | string | Huber |
562 | NDT-LOAM+imu_orientation_edge_robust_kernel | ndt-loam |
Algorithm | ndt-loam | imu_orientation_edge_robust_kernel | string | Huber |
563 | NDT-LOAM+imu_acceleration_edge_robust_kernel | ndt-loam |
Algorithm | ndt-loam | imu_acceleration_edge_robust_kernel | string | Huber |
564 | NDT-LOAM+floor_edge_robust_kernel | ndt-loam |
Algorithm | ndt-loam | floor_edge_robust_kernel | string | Huber |
565 | NDT-LOAM+odometry_edge_robust_kernel | ndt-loam |
Algorithm | ndt-loam | odometry_edge_robust_kernel | string | Huber |
566 | NDT-LOAM+loop_closure_edge_robust_kernel | ndt-loam |
Algorithm | ndt-loam | loop_closure_edge_robust_kernel | string | Huber |
567 | NDT-LOAM+use_const_inf_matrix | ndt-loam |
Algorithm | ndt-loam | use_const_inf_matrix | string | true |
568 | NDT-LOAM+imu_topic | ndt-loam |
Algorithm | ndt-loam | imu_topic | string | /imu_raw |
569 | general+lidar_frequency | frequency of Lidar data |
Dataset | kitti | lidar_frequency | int | 10 |
575 | general+imu_frequency | frequency of imu data |
Dataset | kitti | imu_frequency | int | 100 |