SLAM Hive: A SLAM Evaluation Benchmark System

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Mapping Task Configuration 2332 Details Information

mapping task ID: 3127 |

Algorihtm & Dataset

Algorithm Selection

Algorithm ImageTag: vins-fusion-stereo-imu
Algorihtm name: vins-fusion

Dataset Selection:

Dataset Sequence Name: MH_01_easy
Dataset name: euroc

Configuration Information

Mapping Task Configuration Name: vins-fusion-stereo-imu+MH_01_easy+Image_comb_test-22
Mapping Task Configuration Description:

Algorithm: vins-fusion-stereo-imu
Dataset: MH_01_easy
Experiments to explore the parameter space.

image frequency: 20 | 10 | 5 | 2 | 1 
image resolution: 1 | 0.8 | 0.6 | 0.5 | 0.4 | 0.2

Environment: Desktop (Memory: 32GB; CPU: Intel® Core™ i7-7700 CPU @ 3.60GHz × 8; Disk: 1TB) 

Totally: 5*6 = 30

Corresponding Parameters Infomation

ID Name Description parameter Type Algo/Dataset Name Key Value Type Value
351 general+image_width
image data size.
Dataset euroc image_width int 300
352 general+image_height
image data size.
Dataset euroc image_height int 192
355 VINS+max_cnt
Algorithm vins-fusion max_cnt int 150
356 VINS+min_dist
Algorithm vins-fusion min_dist int 30
357 VINS+freq
frequence (Hz) of publish tracking result. At least 10Hz for good estimation. If set 0, the frequence will be same as raw image
Algorithm vins-fusion freq int 10
358 VINS+F_threshold
ransac threshold (pixel)
Algorithm vins-fusion F_threshold float 1.0
360 VINS+max_solver_time
max solver itration time (ms), to guarantee real time
Algorithm vins-fusion max_solver_time float 0.04
361 VINS+max_num_iterations
max solver itration time (ms), to guarantee real time
Algorithm vins-fusion max_num_iterations int 8
362 VINS+keyframe_parallax
keyframe selection threshold (pixel)
Algorithm vins-fusion keyframe_parallax float 10.0
440 general+k1
intrinsic(pinhole mei)
Dataset euroc cam0_k1 float -0.28340811
441 general+k2
intrinsic(pinhole mei)
Dataset euroc cam0_k2 float 0.07395907
442 general+p1
intrinsic(pinhole mei)
Dataset euroc cam0_p1 float 0.00019359
443 general+p2
intrinsic(pinhole mei)
Dataset euroc cam0_p2 float 1.76187114e-05
482 VINS+show_track
publish tracking image as topic
Algorithm vins-fusion show_track int 1
493 VINS+estimate_td
online estimate time offset between camera and imu
Dataset euroc estimate_td int 0
494 VINS+td
initial value of time offset. unit: s. readed image clock + td = real image clock (IMU clock)
Dataset euroc td float 0.0
497 VINS+image_topic
Dataset euroc image0_topic string /cam0/image_raw
499 VINS+flow_back
perform forward and backward optical flow to improve feature tracking accuracy
Algorithm vins-fusion flow_back int 1
506 VINS+body_T_cam0
Dataset matrix euroc body_T_cam0 matrix [0.0148655429818, -0.999880929698, 0.00414029679422, -0.0216401454975, 0.999557249008, 0.0149672133247, 0.025715529948, -0.064676986768, -0.0257744366974, 0.00375618835797, 0.999660727178, 0.00981073058949, 0, 0, 0, 1]
507 VINS+cam0_calib
Dataset euroc cam0_calib string cam0_pinhole.yaml
490 VINS+estimate_extrinsic
Extrinsic parameter between IMU and Camera.
Dataset euroc estimate_extrinsic int 0
509 VINS+image1_topic
Algorithm vins-fusion image1_topic string /cam1/image_raw
510 VINS+body_T_cam1
Dataset matrix euroc body_T_cam1 string [0.0125552670891, -0.999755099723, 0.0182237714554, -0.0198435579556, 0.999598781151, 0.0130119051815, 0.0251588363115, 0.0453689425024, -0.0253898008918, 0.0179005838253, 0.999517347078, 0.00786212447038, 0, 0, 0, 1]
511 VINS+cam1_calib
Dataset euroc cam1_calib string cam1_pinhole.yaml
581 general+right_p1
intrinsic(pinhole mei)
Dataset euroc cam1_p1 float 0.00019359
582 general+right_p2
intrinsic(pinhole mei)
Dataset euroc cam1_p2 float 1.76187114e-05
583 general+right_k1
intrinsic(pinhole mei)
Dataset euroc cam1_k1 float -0.28340811
584 general+right_k2
intrinsic(pinhole mei)
Dataset euroc cam1_k2 float 0.07395907
476 general+NoiseGyro
Dataset euroc gyr_n float 0.01
477 general+NoiseAcc
Dataset euroc acc_n float 0.1
478 general+GyroWalk
Dataset euroc gyr_w float 0.0001
479 general+AccWalk
Dataset euroc acc_w float 0.001
498 VINS+imu_topic
Dataset euroc imu_topic string /imu0
505 general+g_norm
Dataset euroc g_norm float 9.81007
350 general+image_frequency
frequency of image data
Dataset euroc image_frequency int 2
575 general+imu_frequency
frequency of imu data
Dataset euroc imu_frequency int 200
436 general+fx
Dataset euroc cam0_fx float 183.4616
437 general+fy
Dataset euroc cam0_fy float 182.9184
438 general+cx
Dataset euroc cam0_cx float 146.886
439 general+cy
Dataset euroc cam0_cy float 99.35
588 dataset_frequency+image0_frequency
using for dataset frequency reset.
Dataset frequency General /cam0/image_raw int 10
589 dataset_frequency+imu_frequency
using for dataset frequency reset.
Dataset frequency General /imu0 int 1
591 dataset_resolution+image0_resolution
using for dataset image resolution reset.
Dataset resolution General /cam0/image_raw float 0.4
592 dataset_resolution_size+image0_width
Using for image resolution;
to show the relationship between key(parameter key that its value needs to be changed) and value(topic)
Dataset resolution size General image_width string /cam0/image_raw
593 dataset_resolution_size+image0_height
Using for image resolution;
to show the relationship between key(parameter key that its value needs to be changed) and value(topic)
Dataset resolution size General image_height string /cam0/image_raw
594 dataset_resolution_intrinsic+cam0_fx
Using for image resolution;
to show the relationship between key(parameter key that its value needs to be changed) and value(topic)
Dataset resolution intrinsic General cam0_fx string /cam0/image_raw
595 dataset_resolution_intrinsic+cam0_fy
Using for image resolution;
to show the relationship between key(parameter key that its value needs to be changed) and value(topic)
Dataset resolution intrinsic General cam0_fy string /cam0/image_raw
596 dataset_resolution_intrinsic+cam0_cx
Using for image resolution;
to show the relationship between key(parameter key that its value needs to be changed) and value(topic)
Dataset resolution intrinsic General cam0_cx string /cam0/image_raw
597 dataset_resolution_intrinsic+cam0_cy
Using for image resolution;
to show the relationship between key(parameter key that its value needs to be changed) and value(topic)
Dataset resolution intrinsic General cam0_cy string /cam0/image_raw
598 dataset_resolution_intrinsic+cam1_fx
Using for image resolution;
to show the relationship between key(parameter key that its value needs to be changed) and value(topic)
Dataset resolution intrinsic General cam1_fx string /cam1/image_raw
599 dataset_resolution_intrinsic+cam1_fy
Using for image resolution;
to show the relationship between key(parameter key that its value needs to be changed) and value(topic)
Dataset resolution intrinsic General cam1_fy string /cam1/image_raw
600 dataset_resolution_intrinsic+cam1_cx
Using for image resolution;
to show the relationship between key(parameter key that its value needs to be changed) and value(topic)
Dataset resolution intrinsic General cam1_cx string /cam1/image_raw
601 dataset_resolution_intrinsic+cam1_cy
Using for image resolution;
to show the relationship between key(parameter key that its value needs to be changed) and value(topic)
Dataset resolution intrinsic General cam1_cy string /cam1/image_raw
602 dataset_frequency+image1_frequency
using for dataset frequency reset.
Dataset frequency General /cam1/image_raw int 10
603 dataset_resolution+image1_resolution
using for dataset image resolution reset.
Dataset resolution General /cam1/image_raw float 0.4
604 dataset_frequency_remap+image0_frequency
Using for frequency;
to show the relationship between key(parameter key that its value needs to be changed) and value(topic)
Dataset frequency remap General image_frequency string /cam0/image_raw
606 dataset_frequency_remap+imu_frequency
Using for frequency;
to show the relationship between key(parameter key that its value needs to be changed) and value(topic)
Dataset frequency remap General imu_frequency string /imu0
620 general+fx_2
intrinsic(pinhole) right
Dataset euroc cam1_fx float 183.0348
621 general+fy_2
intrinsic(pinhole) right
Dataset euroc cam1_fy float 182.4536
622 general+cx_2
intrinsic(pinhole) right
Dataset euroc cam1_cx float 151.9996
623 general+cy_2
intrinsic(pinhole) right
Dataset euroc cam1_cy float 102.0952