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In SLAM-Hive system, we define “parameter template” to create the parameters of configurations. You can use them to make up a complete configuration file.

View-only Version

You can see all the existing parmater.

Full Version

We have already add the parameter templates of the supported SLAM algorithms and datasets and you can also use them to create other algorithm's configuration.

If you want to add some more templates, you can create them following: create wiki. And for convenience, you can also use the “copy” to create new one from the exist template, which is similar to the “create”.

You can also delete and modify the parameter template, but if you have already created some configurations using this template, please delete them with caution!

For how to use these parameter templates in configuration creation, you can see the details at: Configuration.

parameter.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/01 14:08 by liuxzh12023