In SLAM-Hive system, you can create a “configuration” before running a SLAM algorithm on a dataset. The configuration contains the algorithm, dataset and other required parameters.
This page introduces the “index” page.
You can click “Show Combination Configs” to see the created combination configurations (The detail introduction of Combination Configurations is in next section).
The “Config List” shows all the created configurations.
You can click “Export Configuration” button to download the configuration file in yaml format.
And You can click “show details” button to see the configuration detail information online.
You can use our “Search Engine” (shown as a search box) to search your required configuration conveniently.
The system provides multiple search conditions:
For example:
nFeatures >=2000 nLevels = 8 ...
In this page, you can create the configurations and mapping run tasks in various methods.
You can click the “Create Config” or “Copy”(in Configuration List) to create a new configuration. Then see create wiki for more details.
You can click the “Show Config”(in Configuration List) to show all the parameters of configuration.
We provide a convenient way to create multiple configurations at once called “Combination Configuration”.
For example, If you want to create a set of configurations with a regular pattern (e.g. set different values for parameters and then arrange them in different combinations), you can use this method.
You can click the “Create Combination Config” or “Copy for Combination”(in Configuration List) to create a set of configurations. Then see create comb configurations wiki for more details.
You can click the “Show Combination Config”(in Configuration List) to show all the combination configurations.
If you delete the configuration, it will also delete relevant tasks and evaluations together.
Same as the “view-only” version.
You can click the “Create MappingTask”(in Configuration List) to create a new configuration.
And if you want to create more tasks of one configuration to test it's stability, you can click the “Create More MappingTask”.
We provide “Batch Create Task” for you to create tasks in batches. You can input the IDs of configuration and then click the button, then the tasks will run in series.
Similar to the previous; the task will be assigned to the work nodes in cluster.
Similar to the previous; System will buy new servers as work nodes, and the task will be assigned to the work nodes in cluster. After tasks finishing, the work servers will delete by system.
For how to deployment the SLAM-Hive system on you Aliyun server, please see: (TODO: Add Aliyun part).